The World Bank (WB) is financing “The Gambia Inclusive and Resilient Agricultural Value Chain Development Project” (GIRAV), to support agricultural value chain development and to move from subsistence to more market-oriented agriculture.
GAFSP aims to improve food and nutrition security and build the sustainability of agriculture and food systems in the medium- to long-term by providing financial and technical resources – grants, concessional loans, blended finance, technical assistance, and advisory services – to projects along the entire agriculture value chain, from ‘farm to table’.
The Rice Value Chain Transformation Programme (RVCTP) is an investment operation financed with an ADF grant with an initial phase that aims to up-scale production, productivity, value addition, and reduce imports of rice in The Gambia. The project will provide opportunities to capitalize on the Bank’s experience leveraging the private sector in agricultural value chains and on the experience of past projects and ongoing operations.
The main goal of ROOTS is to improve food security, nutrition, and resilience of smallholder farmers to climate change in The Gambia. Its development objective is to increase agricultural productivity and access to markets for enhanced food security and nutrition and for the resilience of family farms and Farming Organizations.
The Small Ruminant Production Enhancement Project's objective is to contribute to the improvement of the livelihood of rural and peri-urban communities in The Gambia by strengthening the productivity and resilience of production systems and stimulating entrepreneurship in the livestock sector.
RRVCPD aims to improve food and nutrition security and build the sustainability of agriculture and food systems in the medium- to long-term by providing financial and technical resources – grants, concessional loans, blended finance, technical assistance, and advisory services – to projects along the entire agriculture value chain, from ‘farm to table’.